This includes some very helpful info about illustration of technical terms, application guideline, explanation of international standards and so on. These blogs are highly related to Kongter’s test equipments which are widely applied in various industries.
Battery Test
>> Why test inter-connection strap of batteries?
>> Why use battery internal resistance tester?
>> International standards for battery internal resistance testing
DC Load Bank
>> What standards to follow for battery load test?
>> What is battery load bank? Why need load bank test?
>> Tips: How to select the right battery load bank?
AC Load Bank
>> Tips: How to select the right AC load bank model?
>> What is AC load bank? And what is AC load bank used for?
>> Where do you need an AC load bank? And what types are needed?
>> What regulations and standards are applied for AC load bank?
>> What are the differences among R, RLC, RCD, RL load banks?
DC Ground Fault Locator
>> Things you have to know about ground fault location
>> Comparison of Different Methods for Ground Fault Location
>> What is DC ground fault? What are the causes of DC ground fault?
Insulation Monitoring System
>> What standards to follow for dc insulation monitoring system?
>> When and where do I need DC insulation monitoring system?
Moisture in Oil sensor
>> Why is moisture in oil sensor so important?
>> How to select the right sensor for moisture in oil?
Metal Particle Sensor
>> Why is Metal Particle Sensor so important?
>> When and where do you need Metal Particle Sensor?
>> International standard for using Metal Particle Sensor
>> How to select the right Metal Particle Sensor?
Ferrous Content Analyzer
>> What are international standards for using ferrous content analyzer?
>> Why need ferrous Content Analyzer?