This section includes some very Frequent Ask Questions (FAQ) that commonly arise from users in different industries and countries. The detailed explanation below will be very helpful for users to understand better for our test equipments, their application and industries regulation.
It will help you use our battery test equipments, ground fault locator and other products more effectively. Click relevant items below to view details FAQs for each product.
Q: What are the regulations or standards for battery testing or management?
A: There are 3 IEEE regulations for recommendation of battery maintenance including:
IEEE 1188:2005 Recommended practice of maintenance, testing and replacement of Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) batteries for stationary applications
IEEE 450:2010 Recommended practice of maintenance, testing and replacement of Vented Lead-Acid batteries for stationary applications
IEEE 1106, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance, Testing and Replacement of Vented Nickel-Cadmium Batteries for Stationary Applications
These international regulations are recommended practice regarding test and maintenance schedule for valve-regulated lead-acid (VLRA) batteries and Ni-cd batteries to optimize the battery life and performance.
Q: What industries is the battery load bank applied for?
A: Kongter covers various industries with its wide range customer-tailored battery/DC load bank models. It includes telecom, power utility, data center, forklift battery maintenance, industries manufacturing and many others. For details, please refer to this page HERE.
Q: How do I record voltage of each cell in the string effectively?
A: Kongter offers optional Data Acquisition Case (DAC) for each load bank model for recording voltage of each cell in real time. With DAC, you could also use the PC software to monitor all measurement data during battery discharge.
Q: What voltage rating does the DAC support?
A: Standard DAC is designed for measurement of 2V, 6V and 12V cells with connection of up to 12 cells each DAC. Kongter also offers customized model for recording of 1.2V, 12V only and other non-standard cell types including lithium batteries.
Q: Can I use PC software for data monitoring if there is no DAC with my load bank?
A: Yes, you can. However, you will not see voltage of each cell. And all measurement data is saved in the load bank automatically even if there is no connection with PC. You could also view the data in load bank during discharge.
Q: If I do not have DAC, what battery type can I discharge?
A: You could discharge any type of battery if there is no DAC. Just set the battery number as ZERO in the menu.
Q: Can the DAC work independently without load bank?
A: Yes, it can. And also it can work along with String DAC to make another product, the BDL-3926C Battery Data Logger.
Q: Can Kongter’s load bank work with non-Kongter load banks?
A: Yes, if you have requirement to discharge higher current than max current of non-Kongter load bank, you could use “Assistant discharge” function of Kongter load bank to increase discharge current.
Q: How do I use Kongter’s load bank to discharge at higher current?
A: Besides using another customized load model with higher current, you could also use parallel discharge of two units to increase the discharge current.
Q: I am a contracting company, can I have one single load model with wide voltage range for different industries?
A: Yes, Kongter offers load models of LB-2348 and LB-2415 with wide voltage range. If you have different requirement, you could also contact us with your requirement. Click HERE for helpful guideline on how to select the right load bank model.
Q: In the datasheet, I see that most load bank models can discharge down to10V. Does that mean that all load banks can discharge in wide voltage ranges?
A: All load banks can discharge as low as 10V. However, the discharge current at 10V will be pretty small for most models. If you have requirement to discharge at higher current in low voltage, you are suggested to send Kongter your detailed requirement including string nominal voltage and discharge current for each string. If you have different strings to discharge, list all of them.
Click HERE for helpful suggestions on how to select your right battery load bank models.
Q: What is the difference among impedance, internal resistance and conductance measurement?
A: Impedance and internal resistance are using different method of measurement. Impedance testing is generally injecting a current signal to battery so as to measure its resistance. This is proved to be unstable and inconsistent measurement when UPS batteries are in live condition.
Internal resistance measurement is generally using DC or AC signal discharge to measurement internal resistance and voltage of cell.
Conductance (unit: Simens) measurement is same as that of internal resistance (unit: Ohm). Their relationship is: S=1/R. All Kongter’s battery testers are switchable between resistance and conductance measurement. They are using measurement method of discharging a low current AC signal. Customers with different measurement habits can find their right solutions.
Q: Do you use alligator testing clamp or pin probe for measurement of batteries?
A: Kongter offer both alligator testing clamp and pin probe for different types of batteries. User can select either as per their need.
Q: Can we test Resistance/Conductance of multiple blocks of cell once?
A: No, we can’t, because our way of measurement is not the old way of signal injection. Also, measurement of internal resistance or conductance is to help users fast detect the consistency of whole string and figure out the weak batteries with high resistance (or low conductance). Measurement of multiple cells at the same time will make it difficult to judge which cells are weak.
Q: Can I use the tester to measure Ni-cd and Lithium batteries?
A: Yes, besides standard battery types of 2V, 6V and 12V lead acid batteries, there is customized setting in the tester menu where users can add uncommon battery types including Ni-cd and Lithium batteries.
Q: How should I connect the alligator testing clamp or pin probe with battery?
A: To obtain best measurement accuracy and consistency, we will suggest always connect the clamps or pin probes with battery posts.
Q: What models should I choose if we are to activate single Cell?
A: Kongter offers two models, BCD-3932T and BCD-3933T, for charge, discharge and activation of single cell. BCD-3932T is for measurement of 1.2V, 2V, 4V, 6V, 8V and 12V with max charge and discharge current of 100A, while BCD-3933T is for measurement of 6V and 12V ONLY with max current of 50A.
Q: What models should I choose if we want to activate battery String?
A: K-3986 series customized units are used to charge, discharge and activate battery String in single device. For example, if you want to test 48V with discharge current of 200A and charge current of 100A, you will need a customized model of 48V 200A (discharge)/48V 100A (charge).
Q: What is the principle of battery activation?
A: The charge and discharge functions in BCD-3932T. BCD-3933T and K-3986 could be used individually or comprehensively. When used comprehensively, lag-out battery will experience low-volt constant current charging and discharging in one or multi-circles (1~99). By activating the disabled Active-Material on battery electrode plate, it amends the battery malfunction caused by chemical failure and thus boosts the capacity of batteries.
Q: Can I monitor voltage of each cell during charge or discharge?
A: With optional DAC (Data Acquisition Case), you could view complete data including voltage value of each cell in PC software and K-3986 during measurement.
Q: If I do not have DAC, can I still use the PC software to monitor other data during measurement?
A: Yes, you could.
Q: Why do I need battery data logger?
A: 1. In IEEE regulation including IEEE 450, IEEE1188 and IEEE 1106, quarterly to semi-annual inspection for voltage, current and temperature are necessary for stationary battery.
2. Compared to other ways of data logger, BDL-3926C is automatically recording battery info in the PC software. It is more convenient and time saving for stationary batteries and non-stationary batteries like forklift/motive power batteries.
Q: What are the main compositions of BDL-3926C and what are their functions?
A: There are two essential parts, the Cell DAC and String DAC. Cell DAC is for recording voltage of each cell, while String DAC is for recording of current, ambient temperature and string voltage.
Q: How many pieces of each part do I need?
A: For different battery systems, you will require different amount of Cell DAC. Each string will require only one String DAC.
Q: Can the Cell DAC and String DAC used separately?
A: Yes, they are working independently to each other. Both Cell DAC and String DAC measure and send data to PC software via a control terminal that is connected with PC. You could use them together or separately as per your need.
Q: Can I use the DAC together with load bank or other Kongter’s products?
A: The Cell DAC is commonly applied along with K-3980 battery load bank and K-3986 battery charger/discharger/activator. With their PC software, you could see more detailed info about batteries.
Q: What battery types does BDL-3926C support?
A: Standard Cell DAC supports common cells including 1.2V, 2V, 6V and 12V cells. Customized cell types are available upon request. String DAC supports all battery types.
Q: How many batteries can I connect to with the battery data logger?
A: Maximally you could connect up to 256 cells in one String.
Q: Can I use the data logger for remote control or PC software only?
A: It is used in PC data recording only. If you need remote control, you could consider the BMS-3923 Battery Monitoring System.
Q: What may happen if I don’t trace the signal fault in DC system?
A: Multiple grounds can occur on the dc system at the same time. This situation becomes critical when the combined ground resistance becomes so low that high-voltage circuit breaker control schemes are unable to open or close breakers when required or dc system circuit breakers and or fuses open due to over current resulting in de-energization of vital operating equipment.
There are some other bad consequences due to ground fault. Please click HERE for more consequences and solutions.
Q: What are the causes of DC ground fault?
A: Some common sources of low resistances to ground include:
- Moisture in conduit
- Junction boxes or switch/sensor terminations
- Wire splices soaking in water
- Degraded cable or wire insulation caused by aging
- Environmental conditions
- Wild habitat and constant abrasion from vibration
- Sharp objects piercing cable and wire insulation
- Wires that have pulled out of their terminations and touch ground or water
- Failed capacitors or semiconductor surge suppressors.
Q: What are the principles of tracing the signal fault?
A: There are 3 methods for signal tracing in circuit which is with earth fault:
1). Traditional Method: Sectionalization
Traditional ways of fault location in DC system involves sectionalization or interruption of DC branches to isolate the ground fault.
2). Current Injection
This method will inject a low-frequency AC signal and use this AC signal to locate the ground fault in the DC system.
3). Use Measurement Bridge
For online fault location, ground fault locator adopts the measurement bridge (switchable resistor) inside the signal analyzer to analyze voltage, current and grounding resistance. Then it uses signal detector to pinpoint the fault.
Q: What are the advantages of using switchable bridge (resistor) measurement?
A: It does not need injection of current signal to tested system and thus no relay tripping. It is more effective for fault location and safe to the tested circuits.
Q: How do you bypass the interference during live (online) signal tracing?
A: There is always interference caused by distributed capacitance in live (online) measurement. To bypass this interference and trace the fault faster, in firmware we use very low measurement frequency; in hardware, we use high sensitive current sensor for signal tracing.
Q: How do you avoid relay tripping during signal tracing?
A: We are using very low measurement current (lower than 5mA). This will not cause relay tripping in live signal tracing.